Thursday, October 3, 2013

Stop Screaming at Me!

Stop Screaming at Me!
How many of you are sick of being screamed at by advertising commercials? I mean SCREAMED AT! It's as if the advertiser can't give you a positive reason to pay attention to their message.

This method of trying to get your attention is not limited to the broadcast media. Obnoxious billboards and print ads do very much the samething. The predominant focus is on trying to sell you something.

Here's a lesson I learned many years ago from one of my mentors in salesmanship. Have you ever been to a social gathering and met someone who, in casual conversation just kept asking you questions about yourself? His focus was on being interested in you and what you had to say. Afterwards you probably thought, what an engaging person
even though you learned little to nothing about him. That's because you felt that person was interested in you and what you had to say rather than focusing on themselves.

Now, let's apply that same approach to marketing.

What if instead of trying to sell a product by being loud and interruptive, you asked your customer for input?

So few of the screaming ads even offer an opportunity for you to engage. Thank goodness for electronic and social media for opening the door to real interaction between the your company and its customer. 

Men trust their ears less than their eyes. - Herodotus 

If you rethink your marketing strategy to where you are putting providing valuable and useful information out that your customers really need and want to know, you'll begin to develop a relationship.

This will allow interaction where your customer gives input, asks questions and yes, voices dissatisfaction. And you can begin to engage and interact with your customer, building trust and loyalty.

The timeliness of your message is equally as important. With electronic media your message is instantaneous. You'll be able to communicate newsworthy and relevant content well in advance of periodicals other news outlets.

Too often traditional advertising is wasted on viewers who have no interest in your product. You want to reach the customer that is already interested in what you have to offer.

Would you try to sell Hip Hop music at a NASCAR race?

Respond to this email and let me know which ads you find most obnoxious. Auto ads? Shamwow? Oxiclean?

Actions speak louder than words, 

Larry Lippi

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Lippi & Co. Direct Response
2820 Selwyn Ave
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209

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