Thursday, October 3, 2013

Advertising, is your heart in it?


Advertising,is your heart in it?
Every day your small business faces the challenge of trying to create memorable marketing and advertising with a limited budget. For large companies with unlimited budgets, the memorable challenge is easily met. Simply create entertaining ads that run everywhere, all the time.

We are bombarded constantly with an endless repetition of advertising messages which results in name recognition for them when we shop. All the senses are immersed with these ads. You've seen them, from Geico, Progressive Insurance, McDonalds, etc. 

Beyond the usual senses of sight and sound there is a solution that fights just as hard for share of mind. 

That's the appeal to the heart.

One of these ads, running currently, is a Swiffer ad by Kaplan Thaler Group featuring Lee and Morty Kaufman. The creative genius behind this ad not only demonstrated the benefits of the product in a simple way, but did it with a 90 year old couple that are so honest and believable that the ad hits you right in the heart.

While viewing the ad, you can't ignore the ease of use of the duster. It cleans better and easier while keeping 90 year old Lee safer. She doesn't need to climb on a chair to dust light fixtures and tops of tall furniture.

If this works for her, how easy is it for you to use?

I know that I've said this many times previously, but when you can relate to your customer in terms they can understand, you've won the trust, recognition and believability war.

If you can watch this ad and not relate to a parent or older relation maybe you don't have a heart.

Emotional advertising is not new. Those of you old enough to remember the Mean Joe Green ad for Coca Cola, can understand the power of hitting the heart strings. Wow, how did a kid's Coke soften the heart of one of the toughest players in football?

Okay, so you don't have the Coke budget

Since I've been following the Swiffer ad, I've noticed that the ad has gone viral on social networks.  And that doesn't include interviews on national news programs with Lee and Morty. What's that worth. In the war for memorability can the heart beat money and the brain?

You betcha!

How do you add heart to your marketing?

Marketing Maestro,


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Lippi & Co. Direct Response
2820 Selwyn Ave, Suite 871
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209

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