Thursday, October 3, 2013

Who's Steering Your Ship?

Who's Steering Your Ship?

Is your small business marketing suffering from too many Indians and no chief? Your website was designed by your brother and developed by your brother's friend; your graphics were created by your neighbor's cousin; your brand and logo are some clip art you found on the internet; your media plan was created by a freelance media expert; your unique selling proposition, well what's that?

Do all of these entities work together to create a successful marketing plan and singular brand message?

You will need each of these components to implement a plan for your small business. However, it shouldn't be a fruit bowl toss up of "experts" each doing what they do best In a silo without someone taking a helicopter view of the overall strategy.
Every textbook, business consultant, and professor will tell you that a marketing plan is required for a business to succeed.

Is it possible to have a well thought out strategic marketing plan when there's seven different experts who rarely, if ever, communicate with each other.

Would you run your restaurant with a kitchen full of cooks, each making their own special sauce or dish, then serving it as a meal to your customers? One plate would probably have chocolate covered gnocchi with a side of sushi. This restaurant would not be in business very long.
Don't let your marketing plan fall prey to such a screwed up concoction.

Your marketing plan must be well designed and thought out, reviewed frequently, and watched over with a careful eye. 

The advantage to running a small business, is that your plan can be nimble and tweaked easily. You can measure different tactics and adjust quickly if one strategy 
isn't performing. 

Do-it-today action steps:
Take a moment today to step back and take a helicopter view of your marketing strategy. Is it cohesive? Do all the parts join together well, taking your customer from an interested stranger to a loyal customer?

Respond to this email and let me know about some of the challenges you have with your marketing strategy. 

Your Marketing Captain, Larry

P.S. We are cooking up a new website chock full of marketing tips, ecourses, and consulting opportunities that will put you on the road to successful marketing for your small business. Sign up here to be notified first. 
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Lippi & Co. Direct Response
2820 Selwyn Ave, Suite 871
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209

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